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Before we start on the list of questions let me show you excerpts of some emails I received from people. Some of these are getting old but are still useful to read. Here is someone who just completed taking his first exam. "I took my first MCSE exam today, Win95, passed (very poorly but still a pass none the less). I don't think I studied as hard for anything as I did for this exam only to get a barely passing grade. I've read close to 2500 pages, accumulated close to 600 test questions-which I practiced daily for over a month, could reap such a low grade. I am ecstatic, but I am left wondering about the road to come. It really makes me laugh about how hard these tests were. I felt I knew the material. I had the Transcender tests. Yet when you get a similar question that you know the answer to, and find that none of the possible choices are among those given I grew more panicked than what I was. I found that I had built the actual test up in my mind that was similar to Mt. Everest. Pretty, Looks like a long walk, reasonable goal, then when you get close to taking it its a vertical wall 3000 feet high smooth and greasy. Except with Microsoft the Sherpa's are pouring more grease down the side." If the above explanation doesn't say it all then read the following from another frustrated emailer: "Can this really be happening to me? I have 35 years experience in the defense, space, and computer industry. After trying "early retirement" for two years, I decided to go back to work. My wide area, host based, networking experience was broad, but old and somewhat obsolete. So, I chose to go after the MCSE. I took the NT3.51 Workstation course first and took the test after the class ended on a Friday. I missed passing by about 4 questions and was shocked. I'm not used to failing tests! I have a Technology diploma in Aeronautical Engineering/Electronics, a B.S. in Math with a Physics minor, and a Master's degree in Engineering Administration, so I have taken my share of tests. I graduated with honors (cum Laude) in all 3 cases. Multiple choice tests? Piece of cake! You betcha! A couple of weeks later, I took the Win95 exam. Same results - failure! So, I said, let's focus on the easy stuff, Networking Essentials. Yeh, sure! I have studied my guts out, taken 10 different practice tests until I got 100% on all of them and still got just over 700 (you need 793 to pass) on the "real" test - three times in a row, October, November and December of 1996. After that I almost gave up, but was able to swing a deal with the school to audit some classes a second time, free, and take some new classes (NT4.0) for the cost of the kits. So, here I am, trembling with fear and a lump in my gut just thinking about these tests. Is this scary, or what? " Yet another emailer with formidable advice: "My name is Eric, and I just completed my MCSE last night. This is something that I've been working on for just over four months, and I have never done anything as difficult. My current job allowed me to spend my days studying, and that is the only reason I was able to pass so quickly. I have some comments that some of the readers on your site might find helpful. If you are going entirely self-study like I did, know that no one book company has good study guides for all products. There are even some products that have only one or two very poor study guides available. Prepare to buy two or three books for each test. Be ready to spend over $2500 on books, plus the $600 minimum for tests. Microsoft's Official Curriculum books are generally good, but they are very expensive and they only exist for the very popular tests. The TCP/IP on Windows NT 4.0 exam has just become easier. Microsoft released their official curriculum study kit in late July, and it is very good. I passed that test on my first try, and only spent about 60 hours preparing for it. However, I HIGHLY recommend passing NT Workstation, Server, and Server Enterprise (4.0) before attempting it. Those three tests will give you the necessary background for WINS, DHCP, and DNS that you will need. I would also recommend passing Networking Essentials prior, but it wouldn't be necessary. The two tests I failed (only once each, thankfully) were NT Server 4.0 (Core) and Internet Information Server 3.0/Index Server 1.1. The Server (Core) test is just plain difficult, and I tried to rush through it. Something that all candidates should remember while taking the tests is to relax, take your time, and think everything through before you answer. I also found it best to know the answer before I look down at the choices. If you don't know, look for the obviously wrong choice. Almost every question on the tests had one answer that was ludicrously wrong. Then look at the other three choices, and two should be similar. Chances are good that it is one of those. The test that bit me the hardest was Internet Information Server. There are no good preparation guides (I even bought the official Microsoft book), and I wasn't able to find any sample tests. You need it to acquire an Internet Information Systems specialty, and I suggest taking it, just be careful. There are more questions about Index Server than you would think, and there are subnetting questions as well. You will have to know how to do the math without a calculator, so be ready." Here is a warning from someone who was not pleased with the "Dummies" books: "To Whom it may Concern... I am a candidate for MCSE, and thought you might be interested in my experience with the MCSE Windows NT Server 4 for Dummies book. The following is an e-mail that I sent this morning to IDG, publisher of the series... Last weekend I purchased your MCSE Windows NT Server 4 for Dummies (ISBN 0-7645-0400-2) from my local CompUSA store. Since I'm sitting for my Server exam on Monday, I thought it would make for a fun review before I take the test. I am appalled at the number of errors and incorrect information that is given in this book. I can't believe that it has the MCP Approved Study Guide logo on the front. Microsoft must not have bothered to read the book before it went to print, either. Let me give you just a couple of examples of what I'm talking about...
On page 67, your answers to the quick assessment on page 66 do not match the questions (take a look at 3, 4, and 5). In the answers to your Sample Test 1, #7 reads, "When you copy a file to a new folder on the same partition the file inherits the permissions of its new parent folder. When you move a file on the same partition it keeps its original permissions." Now look at your answer to #32 - "When moving a file on the same partition it will inherit the permissions of its new parent folder. When copying it will retain its original permissions." Both questions refer you back to moving and copying files (Chapter 15) which has nothing to do with moving and copying files. I also had questions about several other answers you gave, but you've got me so confused that I have to go back to my MS curriculum to find out whether you're wrong or I am. Today I am taking my book back to CompUSA and demanding my money back. I am sending a copy of this e-mail to the powers that be at Microsoft, as well as CompUSA, Barnes and Noble, Amazon.com, and anyone else that I can think of that might possibly be selling this book. I can't believe that you published a book without proofreading it. I'm sorry that I bought it to review from, because now I'm confused on several points on the day before my Server test." Of course there are a few people out there that don't think these exams are anything to worry about as expressed by the following email: "Stumbled on your MCSE page. Don't you think maybe you are making the whole thing out to be harder then it is and more comprehensive then it is? I decided two months ago to get my MCSE so I could make a few more bucks. I have passed three tests none of which I spent more then 10 hours studying for. MCSE represents a truly knowledgeable and skilled individual able to function in a computer networking environment. Is this not a bit of melodrama I mean lets be honest you can pass these tests and still have no real world knowledge when thrown into a real world situation. Pretty web page for sure but if it was all that hard there would not be more then 30,000 MCSE's already. "
There you have it. It explains it all very clearly. People have a lot to say about these Microsoft exams so I thought best to pass them on. I will try to update this list with Win2K experiences and questions as soon as I get some. If you have an experience that you would like to share or advice to give feel free to email me the story. Now -- finally on with the questions
Is the field going to become oversaturated with MCSE's and lower income potential?
Is the job market for MCSE's as good as I hear it to be?
Am I a student or am I working in the computer industry?
What are the exams like?
How should I prepare for the exam?
I understand most people fail when taking the exams. Did you find this to be true?
Do you ever consider the possibility of failing any of these exams?
How do you know when you are ready to take the exam?
I was getting 95% on the practice exams but when I took the test I failed. What happened?
How much studying outside of class do you do?
Do you have Windows NT workstation or server on your
If I fail an exam and take it again the same day, will I get the same questions?
Should I do Self-Paced Study or use a School ( classroom )?
Where can I find a school in my area?
What if I am changing careers and don't have much background in computers or networking, how do I know if I can do this?
What kind of chance do I have if I am a woman?
How important is having a B.A or B.S. degree when applying for a job if you are a
MCSE? ( I dropped out of college in my junior year)
What are the reasons for taking MCSE rather than Novell certification?
How do you calculate the IP address ranges for the different subnets when the subnet mask is not the standard? |
I plan to add to this list of questions as new ones come in so check back if you are interested. | |